ES 101: Powerful Grocery Coupon Shopping System

by Shawn

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Introducing the Entrepreneurs Series:

This is my first official 10TW podcast entry!

It’s been a goal to do podcast interviews since we’ve launched this site. The first series we’ve designed for our readers is directed toward entrepreneurs and business owners. What’s more inspiring to entrepreneurs than to hear from those that have been very successful.

So, in this Entrepreneurs Series (ES), we will interview some of the most innovative and dynamic Christian business men and women. There will be a brief introduction to their business concepts. Then you can launch the podcast link and hear from them directly. At the bottom of this post will be a link to their site and a way for you to contact them. You can get access to their upcoming events and offerings from their site. Now, let’s get started with our first entrepreneurs!

Symptoms of No Grocery Coupon Shopping System:

I have had quite an education on budgeting and been very successful. But, there is one area that continues to cause me trouble. That is the flexible area of my budget regarding grocery purchases. Here are the symptoms. Do you recognize any of these in your life?

  1. No plan when you enter the grocery store.
  2. No patience for using coupons.
  3. No clue when store sales are happening.
  4. No organized system for reviewing house grocery inventory.
  5. No idea of the calendars or cycles of supermarket sales.
  6. No process for coupon collection and use.

My family’s monthly grocery spending has been very erratic. I was not being a good financial steward of the portion of my income dedicated to groceries. I needed information and training on how to do a significantly better job.

Strategies for Successful Coupon Shopping from Consumer Gurus:

I had the opportunity to interview Phillip Turner and Robert Walsh, founders of Consumer Gurus as a result of an entrepreneurship class given by my church. They have recently launched a new business whose primary goal is to provide “practical, methodical grocery shopping strategies for every type of budget”. They’ve taken a simple idea and created a system around basic tenets. Consumer Gurus holds in-person seminars, online webinars, and one-to-one sessions showing their clients how to:

  1. Find and use discount coupons effectively.
  2. Exploit store coupon policies.
  3. Determine sale cycles and what foods are on sale when.
  4. Recognize great deals.
  5. Stock pile commonly used items, and much, much more.

Listen to the podcast and get connected with Pastor Phillip Turner and Robert Walsh and profit from their 40+ years of experience in making those grocery dollars holler!

Interview with Consumer Gurus:

Listen here and please leave a comment on what you think about the grocery coupon management strategies from the Gurus. You may have some tips of your own you’d like to share.

Interview Link: Consumer-Gurus-Interview

Upcoming Events: Seminars, Webinars and Events

Interview Music Credit: Neo Jazz Instrumental – MrJasDee

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Christopher James August 17, 2013 at 10:13 am

i’m guilty of “No Grocery Coupon Shopping System.” Gotta have this solution.
Christopher James recently posted..The Trinity Code Discount


Shawn McLeod September 8, 2013 at 7:19 pm

Hi Christopher,

I was very excited when I heard about this solution as well! It does take a mind set change and some discipline. Definitely check out the Consumer Guru’s web site or sign up for an upcoming webinar, or speak with Robert or Philip directly.



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